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Shane's Services

Please note that sessions are not timed.

Shane likes to make sure that every clients needs are met without the stress of time limits. 

Shane Smith Psychic Medium in Colorado near me

Psychic Medium Reading

Our loved ones give us signs all the time that they are around us. They can send Butterflies and birds and you know who it is because of the way you feel and the love you feel when you see the butterfly that they have sent with their energy. Often you know when they are around by the smell that they leave. For example, my cousin who was a heavy smoker passed and my mother was really missing him. Suddenly she could smell his cigarette smoke and her and I were the only ones on the property at the time. We always knew that my Grandfather was with us at our family ranch because when it rained we would hear the windows upstairs shut and no one was up there. That's something he did in the summer whenever it would rain. As a medium I meet with many grieving people in my office who need to communicate. Their loved ones not only give them messages through me by identifying themselves that the grieving person will recognize, but they also let me know the signs they give that the client may not recognize. For example, the spirit may touch their face and they will feel a tingling sensation, or I will see a personal item that the spirit moves and the person thinks they are losing their mind when it's just a sign that they are there. In-person or online communication with your loved ones. For readings, Shane needs a current photo of someone living or passed in which their eyes can be seen. Shane will go into a meditation and do what's called Automatic Writing. During this process, Spirit comes through and Shane transcribes for them. Shane will then call you at your set appointment time and will be able to discuss what he felt and was told during his meditation. In your original contact for an appointment, please include how many individuals (including pets) you are interested in contacting during your session for possible additional discount pricing possibilities. $220

Pets are loved ones, too, and when they pass we grieve them and they come around us as well. I notice family pets who have passed often. the live pets will see them as well. I can always tell that the live pets see them as well when I'm with the client. The thing I love about seeing pets who have crossed over is that they don't smell my butt when I come into the room. I know that my Baxter still comes around and comforts me when I miss him. As a psychic I am a medical intuitive and I can see the issues that a pet may have, and I can sense where they may have pain and issues with the pet owners that the owner may not recognize. $220


Shane has worked with other mediums or those with psychic abilities to help bring their gifts out. He would be honored to meet with you to discuss potential mentorship in building your ability. $220

Shane is able to connect with spirits and in some cases, guide them to the other side safely and calmly. Contact Shane with information about your situation for this type of service. Shane is also interested in filming on location of places with past or present paranormal activity. If you know of a place, let us know! It might get chosen for future video recordings. *Please send Shane a message for a free consultation

Shane is able to connect with spirits and in some cases, guide them to the other side safely and calmly. Contact Shane with information about your situation for this type of service. Shane is also interested in filming on location of places with past or present paranormal activity. If you know of a place, let us know! It might get chosen for future video recordings. *Please send Shane a message for a free consultation

Shane offers group readings to do what he does best: connect to spirit and those on the other side. These sessions are typically conducted as a group or party. These can be a blast, as Shane passes on messages directly from loved ones that have passed on in a safe, supportive and fun setting. *Please send Shane a message for a free consultation

Psychic Reading

Shane is able to connect with spirits and in some cases, guide them to the other side safely and calmly. Contact Shane with information about your situation for this type of service. Shane is also interested in filming on location of places with past or present paranormal activity. If you know of a place, let us know! It might get chosen for future video recordings. $220

Being to see what is happening with an individual's life such as : Love, work, relationships, past lives ect. via Akashik Records $220

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